Sunday, August 17, 2008

What Do Your Past & Jimmy Hoffa Have in Common?

Excerpt from my free e-book, "Success in 10 Steps"  written by my good friend and one of my personal mentors, Michael Dlouhy.

"Yes. Sure. Absolutely. The answer is obvious.
They're both dead.
However, it's a bit of a trick question, too.
Well, I personally don't know if Jimmy Hoffa is part of the foundation of Giants Stadium in New Jersey, or if he's buried in a backyard in Detroit. But I'll tell you this: Jimmy Hoffa IS dead. I know he's dead.

You know he's dead. Jimmy Hoffa knows he's dead.
Your past, on the other hand ... well, I know it's dead. You know it's dead. Right?

Or are you like most people, reliving your business failures every day of your life? If so, you've come to the right place"

We can't relive our past failures in Network Marketing... We have to move on towards success.  Get your Free copy of Success in 10 Steps.   Learn why it is NOT YOUR FAULT you are failing to create income from home.  Click here.

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To YOUR Success

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Had to comment on your article.
Made me chuckle and think at the same time. I rarely reflect on the past but my Father-in-law in comparison spends almost every day thinking about how he should of changed his past although he is 81 now.
