It's been a real busy week in the MLM business. ASD, YTB, Xocia, and now ITV. Last week The Whole Food Farmacy cut all it's distributors. Who will be next?
KEVIN TRUDEAU, top dog at ITV, is not new to being in the news.
Misleading infomercial driving sales of junk book. Infomercial scammer Kevin Trudeau, who signed a court-approved consent agreement prohibiting him from selling health-related products (except publications), has continued his longstanding patters of deception by selling a book called Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You to Know About. In a frequently aired infomercial, Trudeau falsely claims that government agencies and the food and drug industries are conspiring against "natural cures" and that people who want such information should buy his book. Although the infomercial suggests that the book makes specific recommendations for specific problems, it actually does not. In the book, Trudeau claims that the FTC censored the entire chapter titled "Cures for All Diseases." However, Daniel Kaufman, the lead attorney in FTC's most recent case, told Dr. Stephen Barrett that as long as Trudeau is not promoting brand-name products, he still has the First Amendment right to claim that various methods or product ingredients are beneficial. Frequent airing of the infomercial has driven the book to the #8 position at Amazon Books, but many of the buyers are highly dissatisfied. As of February 2, 2005, more than 60% of the 188 posted reviews have characterized the book as a ripoff. Trudeau has been the target of several FTC regulatory actions and has served time in prison for credit card fraud.
Many of the folks that were with Nutrition For Life blame him for demise of that great company! Why? Due to his stock manipulation and selling shaky high priced leads to new MLM distributors he recruited for Nutrition For Life. In 2004, the FTC brought him to ground for making illegal claims for Tags: ASD,YTB,Xocia,ITV,Whole Food Farmacy,Infomercial scammer Kevin Trudeau,Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know,conspiring against natural cures,Nutrition For Life,MLM Coral Calcium(and others). Kevin was associated with ITV on their pre-launch of their new MLM but ITV tossed him out because of the flack from his history.... Now a new saga!
For more information:
Kevin Trudeau Banned from Infomericals (This one is posted on the F.T.C. website itself.
There's a moral here, If you do your due diligence, and find a 5 pillar company, more than likely, your company is NOT going to end up on the BAD side of the news because the owner is IN TROUBLE AGAIN !!!!!
~JenniferOther places to find Me:
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